Tuesday 25 September 2012

Music Video Analysis: Owl City-Fireflies

Music Video Analysis: Owl City-Fireflies.

I have chosen to analyse this music video due to it being relevant to the music genre I am considering and as Owl City is featured in the music video I want to re-produce.
The video starts off with a hand turning on and altering the settings of a keyboard.At the begining the man presses a button which says 'start/stop' and as he presses it the music begins. As he alters settings and presses several buttons the beat starts to kick in and from a long shot which slowly rises to a high angle, you are shown lights turning on magically by themselves in the beat of the music whilst the suroundings of a childs bedroom with pieces of lego and gadgets on the floor which start to come to life as the build up to the first verse begins. Throughout the song there are several relations to magic and creative imagination. The music video relates to Goodwin's theory about the reationship between lyrics and visuals as throughout the video at certain point when lyrics are said the camera will either do an extreme close up or focus on a particular object, for example in part of the lyrics it says ''as they try to teach me how to dance'' and ameduim close up image of a dancing robot is shown. The different camera angles and shots are mainly used when the toys come to life and change quicker as the beat gets faster and builds up to the chorus. Another one of Goodwins theories is 'close ups should always be included'. The main closeups are used when certain toys represent what is being said in the lyrics and when the man is playing the keyboard.
The narrative of this video is telling a story from a childs point of view where everything is possibly and his imagination comes to life. You can tell the song is about childhood, dreams and magic because of the visuals  you see throughout such as the toys and gadgets, the magic of them all coming to life and from the lyrics at the begining, 'you would not belueve your eyes, if ten million fireflies, lit up the world as i fell asleep'' which starts off the whole story of what is going on throughout the video. With the use of one scene you can understand and capture the mise-en-scene much easier.
The target audience for this music video would be mainly teenagers due to the music genre and the artist being well known for creating songs aimed at the same age range along with the fact that just like teenagers, Owl City expresses his throughts and feelings in this song which is another thing teenagers are good at, letting their opinion out and coming to an answer or conclusion to something they are thinking about.

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