Thursday 17 January 2013

Tweak Week

Once we had finished our music video we noticed a few shots that needed improving and decided to manage these again when tweak week come along. The main parts of our music video we have decided to change is the scene of walking in the house / walking back out, this NEEDS to be changed as it is obvious to the eye that the doors have changed and so we need to make sure they are the same when entering and exiting the house. We have also decided to re-adjust some of the camera shots because during our time off we managed to come up with new ideas of what could be included in some shots that could boost our marks.
After looking through our feedback from the class we came across a variety of strengths and achievements within our feedback such as our music video relating well to the genre and good thought beats, the good use of continuous colours, same font throughout and the pulse of energy relating to the song in our digipak, and promoting the star image well, matching the theme of the digipak along with having essential criteria for our advert. On one of the feedback sheets one group had marked us as a high level 3 out of 4 which we were really pleased with and are hoping that tweak week will help us raise that to a level 4.
The feedback we received also had comments of areas of improvement which have been filled in. To ensure we meet the needs of all audiences we have decided to take into consideration their opinions on what we can improve and include that during this week.
We noticed that other groups had put comments about our lip-sync, this is one of the most noticeable signs in any music video, so to make sure we can put it across that it looks like we actually are singing we are going to re-record lip sync scenes and try to adjust them in Final Cut to go with the singing in our chosen song.
They have also made comments on our digipak noting that the colours are really dull which doesnt reflect well on our music genre. To resolve this we are going to come up with a new look for our advert and digipak so they relate with each other and use a wider variety of bright colours.
There were also comments about the text on the advert not being clear enough, mainly where we have advertised the release date. To resolve this we are going to use a more simple text and make it a few font sizes larger to help it become more noticeable.

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