Tuesday 18 December 2012

Digipak and Advert




This is our official final digipak and advert creation, compared to our first draft we have changed a variety of things such as within the poster advert we have added an image of the main singers to it not only to fill in blank space but also so the audience can relate to who the artists are and the album they are promoting. In our digipak we have also added text to the middle pages which spell out wave. Originally this was just a plain black background with blue and pink soundwaves which seemed a bit bland for the middle sections, although it was a good idea due to the name of our band. I think by adding text with these soundwaves we have improved our creation. the only idea we kept the same was the design of the CD, mainly because we didn't want too much attention on the disc as it would make the digipak seem kind of crowded and over the top. We also thought the original idea on our disk would also work well as the waves would look good if it was played in a music system that had the disc area visible. Overall I think we have made a huge improvement with our final advert and digipak compared to our ideas in the past as we have added more techniques such as the fading of the image of the band members in the advert.
Throughout the creation of our digipak and advert I am pleased that we kept to the same pattern and colour scheme rather than using different patterns, colours and text for the advert and digipak as both the products can link together, which makes it much easier for the audience. For example if the advert was displayed in a shop window, the CD digipak would be easy to recognise because of the same colour scheme and artists on the image. 

Advert Creation

Firstly i started with a document with a width of 1000 and a height of 1480.
I then filled in the layer in black.

I then drew these lines using the Line Tool.

I used the same technique hat i used in the creation of the >> Behind CD art <<
After i had applied the motion blur, i duplicated the layer and spread them out, the pattern which they are in was meant to follow a beat in a song, where it has a heightened part then drops.

Once i did this, i applied the same effect used in the >> Behind CD art << where after i drew the lines, i merged them with the black layer and made another layer behind it and filled it with white.
I then changed the black layer to luminosity.
Once i finished this i created a new layer, selected the brush tool and set it to white and placed spots over the front. 

After a few alterations, i used the filter>distort>wave tool at these settings

This gave the following effect.

After this  added the text to make it look more like a poster.

I applied the following layer styles to make the text stand out more.

And finally i added the Ogo-Pogo Logo

Monday 17 December 2012

Disk and Spine Creation

For the Disk i created a image with the same dimensions as the other documents i've created.
for the spine i used 6.5mm W and 125.5mm H.

during the creation of the disk, i used the same technique as i used to create the image behind the CD.
Behind CD art >> Here <<

Instead of moving the duplicate lines further away, i used the Twirl tool to ben the lines to make then circular.
After i created a duplicate, i duplicated them both to make four, then i duplicated them again to make eight. After this i used filter>distort>twirl to make them curve. i then duplicated them again and kept doing it until they made a circle.

After i had finished that, i drew a grey circle around the middle to make it look more like a disk.

After i did that, i added another grey circle to the outside to make it more believable. 
I also colour each individual line either blue or pink, the way i did this was to create a new layer behind the black circle. I coloured this layer white and set the black layer to Luminosity wich allowed me to colour the individual lines.

After this i added the copyright information, Ogo-Pogo logo and the Compact disk logo at the bottom.


For the creation of the spine i used the dimensions that i stated at the beginning, i then used >> This << technique to draw the semi-circles.
I then applied these layer styles to give them colour

After this the image look like.

Once i had this image, i added the name of the band, the name of the Album and the Ogo-Pogo Logo.

Back Cover Art Creation

I started by creating a new document with the dimensions of 412px Width and 412px Height.

Once i had my black layer i filled it with black so that i could begin.

firstly, i used the same technique i used in the front cover creation to create the main art on the back cover.
>> Front cover <<

After i created the lines, applied Zig-Zag and added wind i eventually got to the point where i added glows and emboss via the layer style to give it this effect.

After this i added the Copyright information to the bottom left.

I then added the track list to the top left, giving the text a glow to make it more eye pleasing as it was boring otherwise.

After this i added the Barcode and the logo of the company who is publishing the album.

Finally i added the art created earlier to the current image.

Behind CD Art Creation

Firstly, i created a new document with these dimensions: 412px width, 412px height.

To begin, on a new layer i drew three lines with the line tool.

After this i used the Motion blur.

I then duplicated the layer and place the copied layer away from the existing one.

After i did this, i wrote with text "Good Time"on a new layer.

I then created a new layer, and used blue an dPink to colour over the lines.

With the new layer above the lines i drew, i created a Clipping Mask.

After i did that, the next picture shows what it turned out as.

I then i added layer styles to the text.

After all these are applied, this is the outcome.

After this, i created a new layer. Using the brush tool i highlighted the white parts of the text.
The layer opacity was set to 59% and i added a glow to the blobs to give them the blueish glow.

Once this is applied, it makes the image look like the following.

After this, i created a new layer and using the same size brush tool i placed two blobs above the text and two below.
After i did this i used filter>distort>wave and gave the result an added glow.

After i did this, it created this final image.

Saturday 15 December 2012

15th December 2012

Today we finished off the final filming that we failed to find on Wednesday. We managed to gather enough footage to include in our music video and made sure we had considered everything we wanted to include in our music video to make sure we hadn't left anything out as this was our last chance to film. Luckilly the re-filming only took just over an hour which meant Jonny could check through the footage and get started to include them in the music video as soon as possible.

Friday 14 December 2012

Front Cover Creation

To begin with, I created a document with the dimensions of (412px Width & 412px Height)
Then i filled the layer with black.

After that, i took one of the pictures from our photo shoot, i cut both Ellie and Jonny out using the magic wand tool, then went around using the eraser to get rid of anything the wand missed.
After that when i pasted the picture onto the black layer, i resized the image and added a white outer glow.

Then i started on making the fangs around them (They looked a lot like fangs without added colour)
Firstly i drew a line with the brush tool while holding Shift.

After this, i went to Filter>Distort>Zig Zag and entered the following variables.

After i have obtained this image, i rotated it 90 degrees clockwise and added Filter>Stylise>Wind.
I did this twice for Right to left and Left to right.

This created the image below.

I then rotated the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
After this i duplicated the layer and placed the copied layer to mirror the original.
It looked like this.

After this, i colour each layer via the Layer Styles.
The bottom one look like this.

For the top i did this.

This is what it looked like afterwards.

I copied the text form the >> Behind CD Art <<

After i added the text it looked like this.