Monday 10 December 2012


At the begining of our photoshoot we found it hard to gather ideal images as the member of the group who agreed to use the camera was absent, meaning the two of us who also had to be in the images had to try to come up with solutions. Luckilly we gained another chance to complete the photoshoot when our other group member was present which meant we could gather better images. We managed to gather a variety of shots from long shots to close ups and images with props to give a wide variety. Due to the wide range of photos it gave us a variety to chose from which would be best to edit and include in our photoshoot production. I found altering the brightness and softening the skin tone using 'surface blur' the easiest for me as from my past time using Photoshop I used these effects the most. I found altering the background difficult as I had to be careful I didn't erase the outline image of us, which took several attempts to complete correctly with some of the images. My favourite images included in our Powerpoint include the photo of me and Jonathan jumping in the air which has had the background edited with a photo we captured of the fireworks at the display during filming to relate it to our music video and digipak. Although its is fairly easy to produce a photo like that I feel that it was the most creative image out of the whole of our photoshoot. Sone of these images were also included on our digipak and advert.
Overall I believe our photoshoot has been a fair success.

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