Friday 14 December 2012

Front Cover Creation

To begin with, I created a document with the dimensions of (412px Width & 412px Height)
Then i filled the layer with black.

After that, i took one of the pictures from our photo shoot, i cut both Ellie and Jonny out using the magic wand tool, then went around using the eraser to get rid of anything the wand missed.
After that when i pasted the picture onto the black layer, i resized the image and added a white outer glow.

Then i started on making the fangs around them (They looked a lot like fangs without added colour)
Firstly i drew a line with the brush tool while holding Shift.

After this, i went to Filter>Distort>Zig Zag and entered the following variables.

After i have obtained this image, i rotated it 90 degrees clockwise and added Filter>Stylise>Wind.
I did this twice for Right to left and Left to right.

This created the image below.

I then rotated the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
After this i duplicated the layer and placed the copied layer to mirror the original.
It looked like this.

After this, i colour each layer via the Layer Styles.
The bottom one look like this.

For the top i did this.

This is what it looked like afterwards.

I copied the text form the >> Behind CD Art <<

After i added the text it looked like this.

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